Monday, March 31, 2008

An older wolf

So, I'm putting up some older stuff as I update my MoGraph reel. This is an older drawing of the wolf -- a cover sample for a book I'm still developing. Yes the lettering will change.

Monday, March 17, 2008


This was influenced by a series of sketches that the amazing Skottie Young had done on his website several years ago. I was playing with 'sketchy' and energetic lines and did this as an hommage to his (ever changing) style. It's fascinating to try different things and/or styles because it helps to inform your own approach to material. The brown, textured paper adds a lot to the feel. I like the way this came out... Enough to redo it in a different style and try a new approach to the drawing. Maybe with colours. And, with more volume and contrasts.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Version 2

This is another attempt at the bald dude from below. A "Sunday Sketch Session" that I ended up taking much further than I intended. Good to stretch a little bit and try something new. I'm trying more of an angular feel in this sketch. Working for a little more balance, contrasting straight lines against curves. Pencils, inked with Faber-Castell PITT markers, scanned, then dropped into Photoshop.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Interior Space Craft

This was for the film "Day 37". It takes place in a shuttle craft. One location for the most part. A really inventive script form the mega talent Jay Weisman.

Here's 2 pages...

This is are sequentials for a shelved project for Triad Fam. It was a tie in with a film that's been put on hold for a minute. Hope this one starts up again soon -- Interesting characters and a unique twist on a classic Hollywood morality tale...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008



Trying too push the exaggeration a little bit more...Suggestions?

Here's some more

Character Stuff

This is one of the main characters in a story I've been fudging with for a minute.

New Wolfisms

Some new stuff...Slash has a great look. This is me trying to capture him from a late night interview he did promoting his book.

I'll be posting more animation oriented stuff and maybe even some sequential pages soon.